Academy for Women entrepreneurs to support women in their entrepreneurial journey

The AWE Program is a free advanced educational training and networking program addressed at female owners, entrepreneurs or co-owners of businesses across EU


Through the 10 weeks virtual program and extensive curriculum, participants work to refine and articulate their goals and vision for growth, develop long-term strategies to scale their business(es) and increase revenue, grow as a leader, and create a network of support with each other and the broader community.

The program includes sessions on leadership, negotiating, strategy, business and financial models, funding your businesses, measuring success, and more.

Curriculum & Supporters

A detailed schedule will be announced in due course

We are proud to have representatives from Mmmmm

  • The project is scheduled to kick off by the end of March, accompanied by external communication initiatives spanning across Europe.
  • The application deadline is set for early June.
  • The Learning and Mentoring program is slated to take place in September and October.
  • The closure announcement for the AWE 2024 edition, along with the presentation of rewards and a live event, is scheduled for November
Why to participate

AWE program will be a unique opportunity to expand your knowledge on how to be on the business from A to Z, as well as connecting with an incredible community of talented women and hear from European business leaders


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